
What is the dua for Laylatul Qadr?

One of the key features of Laylatul Qadr is the emphasis on making special duas. It is a time when Muslims earnestly seek forgiveness for their past sins and ask for guidance and blessings for the future. The duas made on this night are believed to hold a special significance, as it is a time when the gates of mercy are wide open, and Allah’s blessings are abundantly bestowed upon those who seek them.

The Best Du’a for Laylatul Qadr

On the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr, there is a special dua that holds immense significance. This dua was recommended by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and is a powerful one for seeking Allah’s forgiveness. The dua is:

  اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ العَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي  

Transliteration: Allahumma innaka ‘Afuwwun (Karimun), tuhibbul ‘afwa, fa’fu ‘annee
Translation: “O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving (Generous), You love to forgive, so forgive me.”

This dua is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, one of the most respected collections of hadith. It is a beautiful and concise prayer that encapsulates the essence of Laylatul Qadr, which is seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. By reciting this dua, Muslims express their heartfelt desire for pardon and emphasize their belief in Allah’s infinite mercy and love for forgiveness. It is a reminder that no matter the extent of our mistakes, Allah’s capacity to forgive is boundless, and He is always ready to forgive those who sincerely turn to Him.

Importance of Making Du’a for Forgiveness

The importance of making dua for forgiveness on this night is highlighted by a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as reported in Sahih Bukhari:  

“Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.”  

This hadith emphasizes the immense mercy of Allah that is available to those who earnestly seek it during Laylatul Qadr. It is a reminder that no matter the extent of our sins, the door of forgiveness is always open for those who return to Allah with genuine remorse and a sincere heart.

By making dua for forgiveness on Laylatul Qadr, Muslims not only seek to cleanse their slate of past sins but also strengthen their relationship with their Creator. It is a night to reflect on one’s actions, rectify mistakes, and commit to leading a life that is pleasing to Allah. 

Du’a for a Good Life and Akhirah

One of the comprehensive duas that Muslims are encouraged to make, especially during Laylatul Qadr, is: “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘azaaban-nar.” This dua translates to: “Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”

In Arabic, the dua is written as: رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ.

This dua is significant because it encompasses a Muslim’s desire for a balanced and blessed life, both in this world and in the hereafter. It is a reminder that while we strive for success and happiness in our earthly lives, we should also be mindful of our ultimate goal – achieving success in the hereafter and attaining Jannah (paradise).

Asking for “good in this world” covers a wide range of aspects, including health, wealth, family, and overall well-being. It is a plea for a life filled with peace, contentment, and blessings. On the other hand, asking for “good in the hereafter” is a request for Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, and the ultimate reward of paradise, free from the punishment of the Fire.

This dua teaches Muslims to maintain a balance in their prayers, seeking the best of both worlds. It is a reminder that while we navigate through the challenges of this life, we should never lose sight of our eternal abode in the hereafter. Making this dua during Laylatul Qadr is a powerful way to connect with Allah and express our deepest hopes and desires for a life that is blessed in every way.

Making Du’a for the Ummah  

On the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr, it is not only important to pray for oneself but also to remember the Muslim Ummah in our prayers. The unity and well-being of the Ummah are essential, and making dua for our brothers and sisters around the world is a beautiful act of compassion and solidarity.

One of the duas that can be made for the Ummah is: “Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad. Allahumma farrij ‘an Ummati Muhammad. Allahumma Rham Ummata Muhammad [sallAllahu alayhi wasalam].” This translates to: “O Allah, improve the condition of the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah, relieve the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah, have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad [peace be upon him].”

In Arabic, the dua is written as: اللَّهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ. اللَّهُمَّ فَرِّجْ عَنْ أُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ. اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْ أُمَّةَ مُحَمَّدٍ [صلى الله عليه وسلم].

In light of recent events, such as the devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey, it is more important than ever to pray for those who are suffering. By making dua for the Ummah, we are asking Allah to bring peace, healing, and relief to our brothers and sisters in need. We are also reminding ourselves of the bond that unites us as Muslims, regardless of our geographical locations or personal circumstances.

Etiquettes of Making Du’a

Making dua to Allah, is a profound act of worship that requires mindfulness and sincerity. To ensure that our duas are accepted and blessed, it is important to observe the proper etiquettes of making dua. One of the key etiquettes is to begin our dua by praising Allah and sending salutations to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

A hadith that highlights this etiquette is as follows:  

“When any one of you have performed salah (prayer) and wants to dua, let him begin with praising His Lord (swt) and glorifying Him, then send prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Then he may dua for whatever he wishes” [Tirmidhi].  

This hadith teaches us the importance of starting our dua with gratitude and respect, acknowledging the greatness of Allah and the noble status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

In addition to beginning with praise and salutations, other etiquettes of making dua include:

  • Raising the Hands: It is recommended to raise our hands while making dua, as this is a sign of humility and submission to Allah.
  • Being in a State of Purity: Ensuring that we are in a state of wudu (ablution) can enhance the sincerity and acceptance of our dua.
  • Facing the Qibla: Although not obligatory, facing the direction of the Kaaba (Qibla) while making dua is a recommended practice.
  • Being Persistent: We should not become impatient if our dua is not answered immediately. Instead, we should continue to dua with perseverance and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
  • Concluding with Ameen: Saying “Ameen” at the end of the dua is a way of affirming our request and seeking Allah’s response.

By observing these etiquettes, we can enhance the spiritual quality of our dua and draw closer to Allah, especially during the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr. Let us remember to approach our Creator with humility, sincerity, and a heart full of faith, seeking His mercy and blessings for ourselves and the entire Ummah.

What to Remember on Laylatul Qadr?

As we reflect on the profound significance of Laylatul Qadr, let us remember that this blessed night offers us a unique opportunity to seek Allah’s (SWT) forgiveness and to make heartfelt dua. It is a time to strengthen our connection with our Creator, to pray for ourselves, our families, and the entire Ummah. Let us embrace the spirit of this special night, striving for spiritual growth and seeking Allah’s boundless mercy and blessings.

We pray that Allah Almighty accepts our efforts, forgives our shortcomings, and showers us with His infinite mercy and blessings. May our prayers and dua on Laylatul Qadr be a source of light and guidance in our lives. Ameen.

Make your Laylat-ul-Qadr even more meaningful by giving through Feeling Blessed. Automate your donations to ensure that you contribute to worthy causes on this auspicious night. Visit Feeling Blessed today to set up your donations and be a part of the global effort to spread kindness and compassion.

May Allah accept our prayers, duas, and charitable acts during this blessed night and grant us forgiveness, mercy, and blessings in abundance. Let us seize this opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of others and earn the pleasure of our Creator.